Monday, January 21, 2013


~ here is my rant for the day:
Don't sit here and ask for a pity party.. especially when you do things to yourself.. you control your own happiness, and when you sit here and lie and cheat, it's only fair that you end up in a state of depression.. you may think we all care to read your posts, but in all actuality, it's saddening to see you asking for so much attention.. yes, I clearly ranted about it, so that must mean I care right? No. I don't care for any sake other then, good riddance and karma is a god damn bitch!! Don't come at me with the shit you do and then go off about someone else, or how previous people have wronged you.. it's simple, I know your tricks, and I know what you are trying to do. Fail, bitch. You will not succeed in anything you try and do.. you will not come between me and my family.. you will not get close enough to infiltrate my life any more. I am done with you, and all your drama and games. You have ruined my life in the worst possible ways, and now you are done.. I am happy, and in love, and you are just JEALOUS.. you want what you CANNOT have.. sucks to be you.
Ohh, and happy birthday you stupid CUNT!