Thursday, November 1, 2012

All you need is love.. lesbian style!

LET ME KNOW IF YOU GUYS NEED ANYTHING, I WILL BE ON A TRAIN IN A DAMN HEARTBEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and of course, to my almost new sissy-in-law

Debunking 2012

Hi again,
I am here to do exactly as the title says - discredit the 2012 prediction of Armageddon. 
Let's just start with the simple most obvious thing... this whole theory about the world ending is based on a movie that came out in 2009 claiming the Mayans calender ended on December 21st, 2012 - thus the world would end.
Professional Mayanist scholars state that predictions of impending doom are not found in any extent. No one even questioned the world ending until the fictitious movie was created. 
How about the fact that we have leap years? When did they start? Long after the Mayans. The Mayans, in no way, could have predicted that Julius Caeser would invent a leap year. 
The modern version of the Leap Year was introduced at the same time as the Gregorian Calendar, in 1582. Since 1582, there have been 104 leap years. This means we have added 104 extra days into our calendar to move it backward, so we must add 104 days to our current date.
Thus, today, being November 1st, 2012... would actually be February 13th, 2013. Which in all obviousness debunks "2012" as the world would have ended 2 months prior to "today".
Anyone who believes the world is going to end, even with proven facts, is beyond gullible. If I told you pigs would fly, and stated that I read it in Wikipedia  would you believe me? NO! Why? Because pigs aren't meant to fly, just like this world wasn't created to end so suddenly. 
Oh, another thing... all the storms, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters aren't the start to the end of the world. We have ruined our own planet and mother nature is trying to correct said damage by recreating. We pollute her, we ruin her, it's called revenge, people. The biggest most prediction out there is that a solar flare, that Earth cannot handle, will be the cause of Armageddon.. if that's the case, then all these natural disasters are completely unrelated and people are just running wild with their imaginations.
If something was indeed predicted, then why are there 15,000 different "theories" of how the world is going to end. It's simple. It's because it's NOT going to happen.

Halloween Etiquette: The Basics

Alright folks, what is the number one thing that pisses you off on Halloween?
Could it be the annoying teenage girls dressed up as their favourite singers, who find it necessary to scream lyrics at the top of their lungs? No?
How about when parents' let their kids push and shove and be rude? No?
How about people who find it necessary to drive on Halloween night down all the streets that are clearly handing out candy? Bingo. There it is. 
Is it too much to ask that people stay the hell off the roads for 3 hours ONCE a god damn year? Ohhhh, it is too much... cooool ! 
My 2 year old daughter (who was the cutest little bumble bee EVER!) almost got ran over on multiple occasions. WTF?!
I don't care if it's raining, or if it's far to go trick-or-treating. Go in your neighbourhood. Problem solved. Ohhh, and when it rains, either keep them home or tell them to put a fucking coat on over their stupid slutty costumes - great parenting, by the way. 
I am not sure why it urks me so damn much, but it's once a year... ONCE!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lesbian Dating 101

Dear Bloggers, 
I am 23 years old, and living in a very small town (5200 people) and I am a lesbian... 
Let me just stray away from that for a moment and explain some things, as I am sure you are all wondering the same thing, "a single mom,  but a lesbian, uhhh?" Well, actually it's quite simple. I started by liking girls when I was younger... had my first encounter at 14 and continued, until I was in high school when I starting having boyfriends. Yes, maybe I was attracted to the guys I dated, and only one, did I see a future with (who has a baby now, who is sooo flipping adorable!!), but I knew, deep down in my heart of hearts, that women were what made my heart melt and made my stomach flutter. I didn't sleep with a guy until I was almost 17, but did with girls from 14, onward. When I had my daughter, at 20 years old, I then decided "hey, I got what I wanted, I can go through the rest of my life being me!" and haven't looked back since. 
Sooo, back to what I was saying.. in order for me to find lesbians - even just to talk to or be friends with - I have to use facebook groups and dating sites (and possibly blogs? hehe). 
I find that all lesbians on them are the same - only care about looks (what's a personality again? something to do with your boobs? no?).. it's exhausting writing these nice, long messages to people, and having them completely ignore it (or end up messaging your much prettier, much skinnier best friend). 
The other day on Facebook I found this page - Lesbian BBM Pin Swap... I think it is an AMAZING idea! That way, it's not giving out your number to uhauling psycho chicks, and you only share what you want. It's a way to get to know each other without judgement (unless you are an annoying bitch, who likes to send 5000 messages separately instead of all in one long message, or u tipe lyk dis)
I feel there aren't enough ways for lesbians to get together... yeah okay, Dinah Shore... but do I sound American to you, eh ?
Also, what's the deal with lesbian ex's ? After you break up, still trying to get you to do what the want, when they want? Excuse me ? "Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf!" thank you very much. We broke up, leave me be. You do what you gotta do, and I'm going to go do me.

Am I raising her or is she raising me?

Well, fellow bloggers... how many of you are parents? I seriously wonder how many of you can relate to any of my "mommy posts"...

Anyways, my daughter turned 2, in July, and is just starting the "terrible two's"... I really didn't believe they existed until now.. 

Lately, she has decided that she wants to be in control... uh no! I don't think so, little girl. I am mommy, and mommy knows best. (Except for my mom, I am still smarter then her - but that's another story for another time)

If she doesn't want to eat the meal in front of her, she throws it on the ground for the dogs, or purposely forces herself to pee and soak through her diaper, outfit, AND the chair... hmm, weird !

She also knows that if she is tired, she gets a nap therefore... "Khloe tired" with a fake yawn, is supposed to be golden... WRONG AGAIN, SWEET CHEEKS haha. 

She is too smart for her own good, to be honest, and it scares me. I am pretty keen with catching onto her tricks, but what if she learns another one that I don't clue into and she wins? :O we can't have that !

Any mommy's out there have any ideas to get my child to just sit down, be quiet, and eat her meal? (and no, I won't try drugs or alcohol LOL)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What I do when I am bored...

Well, a friend of mine, who is getting married soon (YAY!!) has told me that she is having a hard time with her save the dates... Soo, being the good friend that I am (okay, really, I just love all things wedding and couldn't wait to stick my nose in where it probably isn't wanted hehe)... I am trying to help... 
Well, now, at 2 am, I have decided to plan my own wedding... I am not engaged... or even dating for that matter... and I am a lesbian... but I am planning my dream wedding :) 
Welcome to my life, bloggers.
I wish you luck - you will need it. 

Shann..* xox